Thank You to our Community of Supporters!

The most rewarding part of my job is reflecting on how the work of 4th Wall Theatre Company is fueled by our community of donors. It’s amazing to consider that hundreds of people, many of whom may never meet, have come together this year in support of extraordinary theatre and fair pay for professional artists. Donors have stepped up from Houston, Texas to Los Angeles, California to Des Moines, Iowa to Boca Raton, Florida to Scituate, Massachusetts. When I think about this massive network of goodwill and generosity, I am filled with gratitude and excitement for the future. Let’s imagine all the wonderful things we can achieve together!

There are so many inspiring giving stories from this year, but I want to highlight one in particular…

This summer, we launched a campaign for a suite of much-needed capital improvements projects. The campaign is still underway and includes projects like upgrading our audience seating, and replacing outdated lighting and sound equipment, among others. One of the projects that I am particularly excited about aims to make 4th Wall more accessible by implementing assistive listening technologies and by improving the quality of our open-caption performances. 

Just weeks into launching our campaign, two extraordinary couples stepped up to make transformational gifts: Roxi Cargill and Peter Weston and Sandra and Clem Reid. Both couples have been loyal 4th Wall patrons for over a decade, supporting the theatre by subscribing, volunteering, and donating from the very earliest years of the company. And when they learned we were looking to upgrade our captioning system, they immediately jumped at the opportunity to make a difference. With their support, we were able to install a brand new performance captioning system this season with synchronized displays on both sides of the stage. Captions are bigger and brighter than ever before, can be seen from every seat in the house, and for the first time, our new setup allows us to offer real-time CART captioning of our post-show audience talkbacks with the actors.

This is just one of many extraordinary donor stories from this year. To all of our 2024 donors: THANK YOU! Thank you for your gifts, and most importantly, thank you for making 4th Wall a part of your story. YOU make extraordinary possible.

(Scroll down to see the new captioning system in action and for our full list of extraordinary 2024 donors!)

Chad and Brianna Muska install new captioning projectors in time for the first play of our 14th season, SWING STATE.

Test of the new captioning system proves that Roxi and Peter’s and Sandra and Clem’s gifts are gamechangers in this galaxy, and in galaxies far far away.

Roxi and Peter’s and Sandra and Clem’s gifts allowed us to install a synchronized captioning system, with displays on both sides of the stage.

Extraordinary 2024 Donors

This list reflects donations given from January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2024. Please email to report any errors or updates to your gift attribution.

Anonymous (53)

Kacie K. Adams

Steven and Christine Adams

Bea Adan

Antha Adkins and Francis Davies

Dr. R. Scott Allen and Dr. Scott Harrell

Kristin Andrichik and Henk Mooiweer

Susan and Gerald Anhalt

Annie and Momo

Homero A.

Mary and John Arensdorf

Frances and Tim Arnoult

Orlando Arriaga

Daniel Aru and Sarah Stout

Maida Asofsky

Claire Poole in honor of Carol Sugimoto

Christopher Bacon and Craig Miller

Lara Baker

Sofia Barrera

June and Steve Barth

Lary Barton

Julia and Joseph Batdorf

Nick and Dorena Battaglino

Margie Beegle

Carol and Dave Bell

Buzz Bellmont and Randy Puddu

Janet Berzins

Linda and Stephen Bickel

Ronnie Blaine in honor of Philip Lehl

Ken Bohan and Dean O'Kelley

Bookstaff Family Giving Fund

Genie Bopp

D. Bosse

Wes Bowers

Harry L. Bowles

Pablo Bracho

Fredricka Brecht

Claire and Richard Brooks

Brian Broome

Aaron Brown in honor of Philip Lehl

Pattie and René Buerger

Julia Bynum and David McClendon

Melissa Cahill in honor of Kenneth Bohan and Dean O'Kelley

Janet Caldwell

Calvetti Ferguson

Patricia and Larry Campagna

Jane Campbell

Robert J. Card M.D. and Karol Kreymer in honor of Ken Bohan

Lilian Care

Roxanne C. Cargill and Peter V. Weston

Peter Cayea

Dominic Cellitti

Mary Lou and Michael Cenatiempo

Lu Chambers


Holly Clark in honor of Philip Lehl

Murry and Meryl Cohen

Debbie Cole and Lisa Dobey

Michele Collins and Craig Moffatt

Trevor and Malinda Cone

C.C. Conner and D.L. Groover

Jim and Michelle Connor

Kevin and Theresa Cooney

Patrick Cox and Laura Sheehan

Michael Craig

Ruddy Cravens in honor of Philip Lehl

Tasha and Jimmy Criss

Kathryn Crowder

Margaret Culbertson

Cullen Trust for the Performing Arts

Camille DiTusa and Roger Daily

Vernicessa Darbonne

Antonia Day

Jennifer and Kevin Dean

Kimberly and Bradley Dennison

Michael and Sandra Desguin

Linda P. Dodge

Loretta Kania and Mark Doerr

Kirk Domer in Honor of Jennifer Dean

Bryan and Deborah Domning

Mark Dostert

John E. Drewer

Catherine Dunaway

Nan R. Earle

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce and Reva Edison

Sally T. and Philip A. Edmundson

Jolene Friedman

Katy Emde

C.C. and Duke Ensell

Joanne Ericksen

ExxonMobil Foundation

Thomas Eysenbach

Ann L. Faget

Susan Fargason and Steve Lockless

Cheryl and Peter Fasullo

Feldman Family

Sharyn Feller and David Harris

Heyward and Kathy Fetner

Anne and Don Fizer Foundation

Jonathan Fleissner

Michael Frewer

Wes Gamble

Jeannette Garrett

Ginger A. Gaskamp

Marcia Gatlin

Donald Goad

Dylan Godwin

David and Audrey Gow

Gene Graham

Nancy Grason and Richard Dixon

Jennifer and Mark Greenberg in honor of Howard Bookstaff

Cynthia Greenwood and Robert Molder

Jared Gregory

John Gremillion in honor of Philip Lehl

Lucila and Bill Haase

Casey and Ryan Hackney

David Hanks

Janet P. Hansen

Tom Hargis and Leah Shapiro

Quin R. Harris

Claire Hart-Palumbo

Dr. Ann H. Hasselmo

Kat Hatcher

Sara Haynes

Phil and Mary Grace Hearnsberger

R. Hernandez

Olive Hershey

Lauren and Kathy Hill

Susan P. Hinkley

Larry and Patti Hitt

Elizabeth J. Holland

Cynthia Holliday in honor of Ken Bohan

Sandra Holloway

Deborah Hope

Megan Hotze Consulting

City of Houston through the Houston Arts Alliance

Steven Hultquist

Martha and Bruce Jamison

Johnson & Johnson Foundation

Lerica Jones in recognition of Jennifer Dean and Christy Watkins

Diane S. Kaplan

Sarita Karve

Barbara Kauffman

Tom Kearns

Keating Family Foundation

David Kelvin

Marion Arthur Kirby

Mary and Rodney Koenig

David Kriegel

Fred Kriegel

Chesley and Charles Krohn in honor of Philip Lehl

Richard Kummins

Candy and Weir Kyle

David Lake

Kate and Scott Lambert

George C. Lancaster

Nora Laos

Janis Pease LaRocque

Colton Larsen

Travis and Erin Larsen

Patricia Larson

Lori Lato

Gary and Renae Leach

Deanna R. Lehl

Thomas and Cynthia Lemke

Carolyn Levy

Connie Lewis

Frances Limoncelli in honor of Philip Lehl

Alice and Roy Lively

Elizabeth Lloyd

Courtney Lomelo and Luis Galindo

Anne B. Loo and Brad C. Nyberg

Janet Lowery

Patti Lozano

Patty and Bob Mahlstedt

Shondra Marie and Todd Boring

Carolie E. Martin

Carl Masterson

Georgia and Miller McCalmon

Mary McConnell

Kevin McCue

Michael McGinity

Lona McManus and the Wulf Group at Morgan Stanley

Lynn McNamee

Andrew and Kay McStay

Wendell Mendell and Pamala Henjum

Joseph Levitan

John Milkereit

Randy Mitchmore and Michael Horner

Richard Moiel and Katherine Poeppel

Denise Moon

Ken Moore

Morgan Stanley Foundation

Arjumand Shaheen Mubaarak

Barbara Mosbacher and William Myerson

Isabel M. Nart

Carolyn and Bart Nay

Terrylin G. Neale

Hoa Nguyen

Kelsey Nibert

Mike Nichols

Ross Nicholson

Judy and Jim Nicklos

Pam and Art Nolting

Peter Waldron

Keith O'Connor

O Live Fund

Jim Oswald

Anne Paget

Linda and Jerry Paine

Annise Parker and Kathy Hubbard

Lisa Pasley

Howard Patton and Sue Owens

Thomas and Carolyn Paul

Laura and Dan Pears

Lynette Pebernat

Bianca Perez

Brenda Peters-Chase

Peterson Family

Michael and Mary Petrovics

Todd Waite

Kathryn and Andy Principe

Cheri and John Randolph

Earl and Sandra Reid

Margery Reinheardt

Grant and Teresa R.

Rebecca Richards-Kortum

Timothy J. Richey

Krissy Richmond in honor of Philip Lehl

Robert C. Richter, Jr.

Kate and Greg Robertson

Gene Rodgers

Jorge Rodriguez

Narumi Rose

Marti and Billy Rosenberg

Melba Lynette Ross

Rupert Family Trust

Mary Ann Ryerson

Jerel and Carole Sachs

Lauren Treadaway

Jim Salners

Jane and Dick Schmitt

Ram V. and Rani J. Seetharam

Reid Self

Cathryn and Doug Selman in honor of Kenneth Bohan

John Shamrock

Nancy and Alan Shelby

Shell USA Company Foundation

The Shubert Foundation

Tharen Simpson

Janice R. Skarzenski

Cooper Smith

S&P Global

Sandy Stacy

Marcus Stansberry

Joyce Steensrud

Robin and Brad Stein

Sandra S. Stettler

Jennifer Stewart

Carol Sugimoto and Jim Zimmerman

John Sullivan

Amy Sutton and Gary Chiles

Lyndsay Sweeney

Kathleen and Manny Teodoro

Texas Commission on the Arts

Jimmy D. Theiss

Tiffany and Adam Till

Diane S. Tobin

Kelley and David Tobin

Kim Tobin-Lehl and Philip Lehl

Amy and Kevin Tones

Connor Tones

Brenda Turley

Weston Twardowski

Uptown Catering

Dominique Varner

Joseph and Ashley Villarreal

Lynne Walters

The Watkins Family

Courtney Webb

Reid Whitaker

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitson

Tom and Mary Ellen Whitworth

Brad and Dorothy Williams

Diana M. Wilson

The Winston Family Fund

Marcia Wolf and Scott Shorey

Jane Wood

Gary Wulf and the Wulf Group at Morgan Stanley

Gay Yellen and Donald Reiser

Nina and Michael Zilkha

Dana Zukanovich


Why the Center Section is Overrated
