Thank You to our Community of Supporters!
The most rewarding part of my job is reflecting on how the work of 4th Wall Theatre Company is fueled by our community of donors…
Leadership Transition Announcement
Leadership Transition Announcement from Co-Founder Philip Lehl
Time Marches On
I just recently celebrated a birthday…not a milestone birthday, but one that is turning the corner to a milestone birthday.
But the timing of it, in light of the beginning of rehearsals for our upcoming production of THE FATHER, left me reflecting about years gone by and years to come…
A Bit of Bedlam: Connecting New York and Houston
Hello from New York City!
I'm here for a week or so because Kim took a position as assistant director on a production of ARCADIA, by Tom Stoppard, produced by BEDLAM Theatre Co.
(Photo Courtesy of BEDLAM, Inc.)
The Past in the Present: “THE PAVILION” Returns
A couple of times a year, your friendly neighborhood artistic director gets to shed the "director" part of his title and become just, and simply, artistic.
Heatwaves and Higher Pay
Since day one, Kim and I have been very vocal about attempting to pay theatrical artists a "living wage."
Stepping In and Stepping Up: A Reflection of My First Few Months as Managing Director
Even though I have been a guest artist and supporter of 4th Wall for years, I officially started my full time journey here on January 5, 2023…
Front of House, Front of Mind
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be a professional theatre in Houston, or rather, what it means to be perceived as a professional theatre in Houston.
Building a Season is Like Falling in Love
Thinking about which plays to choose for a new season means looking both outward and inward.
Give Me a Break: Ticket Sales and Deadpool.
Are audiences returning to theatre? And what exactly does “breaking the 4th wall” mean?
The Equality of Being Equity
The pandemic really threw a curveball at the actor’s and stage manager’s union, Actors Equity Association, or “Equity” for short.
The Artistic Director Blogs!
This season’s plays are picked, the rights are procured, season tickets are on sale – so what does the Artistic Director do now?