Our mission is to produce extraordinary professional theatrical experiences and to set a high standard for excellence in acting, direction, and design.
We believe that by paying artists a fair wage, we can grow and sustain the community of professional theatrical artists in Houston. We believe in developing and promoting the highest aesthetic of acting that is truthful, by producing exciting, cutting-edge, live theatre.
Our vision for Houston is a thriving community of professional theater artists.
In the future, our dream is that 4th Wall’s attention to excellence in performance will attract not only the best theatrical artists in Houston, but also the best theatrical artists in the country. Believing that our ethical monetary treatment of these artists will inspire other theatres to mimic our mission, we dream of a day when these artists will not only call Houston home, but will be able to ply their trades without needing to work any other job. We aim toward a day when sustained theatrical excellence inspires our audience and community to hold our art and the artists who make it to be an indispensable and valued part of life in Houston.
Core Values
Worth of Professionals
We believe in embracing these core values in the execution of our work. We believe the highest quality of theater encompasses thoughtfulness and intelligence and requires the commitment and dedication of professional artists practicing their craft at the highest levels. We believe that theater provides value to the community and that the community must recognize this value by paying professional artists a fair, living wage. We believe that theater must reflect the community in all its diversity and represent the voices and stories of the community it serves. We recognize that 4th Wall exists as part of a larger community of artists in Houston and that we must strive for equity and diversity throughout the community using the tools available to us. We believe that the highest quality theater promotes an aesthetic of performance that is truthful.